We recently took a trip to Michigan to visit family. It was all around a great trip: the drive to and from MI went smoothly (with the exception of a flat tire on the way home), Lucy traveled SO well (better than Brad and I did!) and we got to visit with a lot of family and friends we don't get to see very often anymore.
Here are a few highlights from our trip:
Visiting Grandma's Classroom

Mom Kidder teaches kindergarten to two different classes - she has over 50 students total, that she sees week to week! (She is amazing.... how she keeps her sanity - I have no idea.) In the above picture, Lucy is playing with Grandma's microphone - such cool technology.
Lucy ate up all the attention - all the kids knew who "baby Lucy" was the moment she walked in. Grandma makes sure to share any new pictures with her classes. :)
The kids were rolling a ball to Lu, and she would pick it up and "throw" it back - too cute. :)
Amy's Graduation
The reason we went up to MI was because, after 4 years of hard work, Amy was graduating!
Proud parents :)
Lucy was so excited for her Aunt- so much so, that she clapped for the first time during the ceremony. :)
Lucy also loved the red tassel. :)
The kids and grandkid :)
"I did it!"
(We have a picture of Brad like this in his cap and gown)
Amy with the Grandmas - Grandma Buning and Grandma Kidder
The whole clan :)
Amy receiving her "Lamp." Each graduate at Kuyper receives a wooden candle holder with a light candle - the holder is made of 5+ different types of wood from around the world - the "lamp" symobolizes that graduates are to go and be lights through out the world. It was a neat part of the ceremony. :)
Spending time with Grandma and Grandpa
Lucy loved spending time with her grandma, reading was a favorite activity. :)
Grandpa even got to babysit Lucy one evening! When I texted him asking if everything was going ok, he sent me this adorable poem:
Milk and Cheerios were ate,
Having great fun but it was gettin' late,
My alone time with Lucy was had,
Reminding what fun to be a dad,
Nothing more needs to be said,
Cause sweet little Lulu has gone to bed.
(Seriously! Made. Me. Cry.)
A Quick Remodel
Our trip to Michigan was different this time, because all of our friends there are "grown up" and have full time jobs and mom and dad had to work all day - leaving us at home. This was nice, because Lucy could take good naps during the day and be rested to spend time with people in the evenings and we got to have a little fun remodeling Amy's room. :)
Not before, but during. I forgot to take a before picture..... (Bad Sarah!) But you can see the color of the walls - blue - and a bit of the carpet.
Here is another shot of the carpet - you can't tell from this picture as well, but it needed to be replaced. :) So we found a solution that worked well. Bringing Amy's room from Jr/Sr High Student to Post College Graduate. :)
After :) We painted the room a nice dark grey - called Flannel Suit from Ace.
And we replaced the flooring with hardwood laminate from Lumber Liquidators. (Love that place)
So as you can see - it was a fantastic trip! :) From start to finish.
Have you traveled lately?