Every year, the Gingerbread decorating gets more fun! As Lucy grows and understands the concept (and enjoys the candy as you'll see documented below) and as we have family in town to share the experiences.... let's just say it's one of my favorite Christmas traditions! :)
Our 2012 candy selection - Lucy helped me buy it as the store, we were all about building the anticipation this year. :)
Our blank house - ready for some colors and sweets!
My little sisters Laura and Anna helped Lucy and I decorate this year. My mom and sisters came into town for a visit around Michael's birthday - as always it was SO fun to have them! :)
I finally got smart and used a Chip Clip/Bag Sealer at the end of my frosting bag to keep it from coming out both ends - worked perfectly!
We decided candy cane columns would be a nice touch. :)
Of course we all had our aprons on - Laura and Anna brought theirs from home (Anna even brought her hat I made her!). :)
...and more chewing...
...and candy stuck in teeth! :) (We brushed our teeth extra well that night!)
My sweetie-pie sisters. :)
My sweetie-pie daughter. LOVE HER!
Stepping back to see if it needs anything else.
Sampling some candies - Love Laura's expression! :)
All done! Me and my mini-bakers! :)
We made a "K" for Kidder :) The girls had so much fun (and so did I! Prep work pays off big time when it comes to this project!) :)
We had such a nice visit with my mom and the girls, they were here for about a week - there was lots of reading, dancing, giggling and snuggling!
Lucy LOVES her Grammy!
These two are such sweet hearts - they enjoyed helping with Michael and playing with Lucy. :)
Told you there was lots of dancing! :)
Laura read a book to Michael before bed on the eve of his birthday! He sat so well. :)
The next day was Michael's birthday! :) I can't wait to share all the pictures.