Any excuse
to see family is a good one. Especially if there is a wedding involved.
Even more especially when the wedding is your sister's.
four of us headed to San Antonio after church the Sunday before Easter -
and made the 9 hr drive in record time! It was so great to be home for a
few days before the wedding hubbub began to let the kids adjust and
spend time with Grammy and Papa. :)

Lucy really enjoyed spending time with her little aunts!
I love this picture, it is so thoughtful and makes her look so mature. :'{
Michael enjoyed meeting his Auntie Anna for the first time...
...and Uncle Sam. (He is so good with kids! Made my heart happy to see him holding my son. :) )
Getting to know Aunt Laura.
Reading books with Uncle Sam
Spending time with momma during the little girl's (all three of them) quiet time/nap.
He already has such a great sense of humor. :)
I love those bright brown eyes. So clear!
My boys.
Lucy LOVED Grammy and Papa's back yard - there was a slide!
Lucy. Loves. Slides.
My happy girl, "Again! Again!"
Can I just bottle this age up?
Love the twisted tongue of concentration. :)
My littlest sister - isn't she a cutie?!
My mom and me
Dad and his youngest child and grandchild. :)
My beautiful sister, Jana.
The girlies at breakfast - mom/grammy made waffles!
Enjoying Grammy's waffles!
remember doing this with my mom when I was a little girl - what a treat
to witness her "helping" my daughter wash her hands. :)
Michael and Aunt Becca - the bride!
flew home to the panhandle on Friday, he needed to be back in Pampa for
Easter Sunday - we missed him greatly at the wedding but were encouraged
by God's clear presence in both Pampa and Kyle Texas on Easter.

Mom and "us three" older girls. :) Wasn't Becca a most beautiful bride?
The Addington/Kidder/McLean ladies :)
My sweet kiddos, Easter Sunday.
I didn't get many pictures of the
wedding (NONE of the groom? Augh! Sorry Ian!) - but it was a beautiful
ceremony, fun reception and all together God-glorifying day. (To see more wedding pictures, check out the photographer's blog here. Courtney did a great job!)
to the Linn family for watching my kiddos - you blessed me so greatly! I
was able to participate wholeheartedly and not worry about where they
were - Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
The kids and I stayed through Monday and got to relax with the family a bit more before heading back to Pampa.
Michael and his Aunt Laura
They had so much fun together...
...they wore each other out! :)
Lucy was sad to see Aunt Jana go.
she had to fly back home to Minnesota. :( (Haha - Lucy just didn't want
her picture taken... but I'll happily put a more "positive" spin on
Lucy and Grammy
My sweet boy.
I could kiss those toes all day! :)
kids and I drove home on Tuesday. I'm not going to lie, the thought of
driving, alone, with the kids, for 9 hours was a little intimating. But I
planned as best I could and told myself - "They are good travelers. And
even if they do cry (a lot) they will fall asleep eventually...
drive couldn't have gone any better - I didn't even need to pull out
Lucy's iPhone (Brad's old one that we have loaded up with her music,
games and shows. It lives in airplane mode, no - my daughter doesn't
have a data plan) to entertain her. We chatted, talked, laughed and had a
great time. The 9 hours truly flew past - and if you've seen the drive
through west Texas from San Antonio to Pampa, you'd wonder how that is
possible. :) I was shocked at how beautiful the drive was - it was an
extremely (compared to past years) rainy spring and everything was lush
and green. The sky was bright blue, plus I had gotten the the new Cristy Nockels CD
(HIGHLY recommended!) - it was the perfect sound track to the drive. :)
Road tripping with a toddler and a nursing infant IS possible! I can
attest to it's "doability!"