This post is about two of our daughter's birthday gifts, a Chef Hat and Kitchen. :)
S: Who are you?
L: I'm a Chef-Man.
S: You're not a Chef-Woman or a Chef-Girl?
L: No, I'm a Chef-Man
The Chef Hat was one of her momma-made gifts. It didn't cost me any money, the green polka-dot is left over from the back of her baby quilt and the blue is remnants from the binding on Michael's quilt! :) I love projects that I can make with what I have - especially when they are so stinking cute! I still can't believe how well the fabrics match her apron! (Lucy got her apron as a baby gift from our good friend in Chicago, Jenny - it's from Anthropology!)
Side Note: This is the second chef hat I've made,
to see the first and for a link to the tutorial I used,
click here.
Here is a video of the first time Lucy saw her new kitchen:
The kitchen has already filled many hours with creative, imaginative play.
Birthday cakes are a specialty of our "Chef-man"
She uses her scrub brush to wash her dishes and makes "beeping" sounds for the microwave.
(Here is a mini interview I did with Lucy while looking at these pictures with her)
S: Lucy, what's your favorite thing to do in your kitchen?
L: Cook. I like to cook donuts.
S: What are you doing in this picture?
L: Toast is in the toaster.
(It is.... the green thing on the hearth is a toaster. :) )
S: What about this picture? What are you doing here?
L: I'm playing with my silverware.
S: What kinds of silverware do you have?
L: Kinds of silverware.
Her kitchen is well stocked, thanks to the generosity of grandparents and friends.
I had to include this picture - mostly because of her hair! I was pretty proud of her side braid that day. It is rare when she holds still long enough for me to do her hair. I can't remember specifically, but if I had to bet - a TV show helped her sit still this day. :)
I have no idea how I captured this picture but I love it - the blurred action around Lu and the fact she is in focus.
How her table looks most days - all the guests attending her parties get silverware, a treat and a drink (in a mug/tea cup or a bottle). :)
Looking for a candle for the cake. It is not uncommon for me to hear, "I need help finding a candle for my cake!" :)
There - she found it! Throwing a well thought out party takes concentration! :)