Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Grammy Blankets"

My mom made each of the kids play blankets and we affectionately call them "Grammy Blankets." After afternoon-naps the other day, Michael was laying on his, enjoying the sunshine and Lucy, who loves being the center of attention went and grabbed hers too. I was so glad the camera was close by. :)

Tummy Time - his neck muscles have gotten so much stronger since he was born! He wasn't a "floppy" baby, but it is crazy what a few weeks can do!

Such dark eyes - they are looking like they will be brown (Sorry Brad.... I know you were hoping he would have your eyes)

He makes me melt. 

Thing 1 and Thing 2 :)

She rarely holds still. I thought it was funny how they both happened to be wearing clothes that matched their blankets! :) You can see the size difference between them well here - Lucy looks like she is 5 years old (at least to us - her parents who want their little girl to stay little for as long as possible)

I bribed them, Michael has his paci - Lucy a cracker. :) 

The things moms will do to get their kids to hold still stay in the general vicinity and not cry. 

Michael Bradley, 3 weeks. :)


courtney linn said...

Lol! How sweet.:)

courtney linn said...

Oh and I just got finished with a baby Afghan for a friend it took tell last March. Her baby Ruby is now born and so I feel so bad.:( Lol!

Amanda Shih said...

He really is INCREDIBLY handsome...