Thursday, September 20, 2012

Michael's First Experience With Vegetables

Michael had been doing such a great job eating his rice cereal that it was time to start veggies! I made up some peas one evening and gave him a sampling. Do you think he liked them? 



 After: Processing

 After: Contemplating

 After: Reacting

 I love the one eyed "Are you serious?" 

 "I don't like those mom."

 They made him shiver! Despite the reaction, he opened his mouth for more so I fed him a full serving (about 2 TBS) alternating bites with rice cereal. :) Keep them guessing! They won't know what's next. Haha!

 Well, he didn't LOVE them but maybe he will by the time all this is gone... 

(insert "evil" mom laugh)

And because pictures can't communicate sound, here is a video of Michael eating Peas (taken about a week after his first try). The sound he makes is hilarious! 

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