Thursday, May 23, 2013

Choosing to be "Ronda" and not "Nancy"

I don't know about you, but there are days that I have to force myself to think positively. Days that my inclination is to look at everything with a pessimist's glare. This comes out in my attitude and in my speech. This morning, I did NOT want to get out of bed - I even snoozed and then ignored my alarm clock with the thought, "A few more minutes of sleep will help me operate better today." I rolled out of bed when Lu woke up and asked for breakfast. Stumbled into the kitchen to turn on the hot pot to make coffee. Changed Michaels dirty diaper and got him some milk.

I realized I had a choice to make. Be a Negative Nancy and have a bad day with my kids OR choose to be thankful for what I have and move forward with my day with an "Because of Jesus, I can do this" mentality (what do we call that person? "Positive Patty" or "Thankful Thelma?" Maybe "Reliant Ronda" works best).

I've chosen to be Negative Nancy too many days lately. Blaming it on pregnancy hormones or the stress of trying to sell a house. But today needed to be different. So I decided to be Reliant Ronda and asked Jesus to help me operate in obedience to him, thanking him that he has enabled me, through the gospel, to act differently than Negative Nancy (who I'm inclined to me on my own) and pleading with the Holy Spirit to help me.

You know what?

God answers prayers.

When I stopped to realize my choices for the morning (mostly bad thus far) and realized that Jesus doesn't look on me with condemnation for over-sleeping but wanted me to walk in step with his Spirit today - my attitude changed. I was able to view my life with a positive outlook, take a deep breath and step forward into my day.

Here are the things I'm thankful for this morning:

1. I found a "rolled hem" sewing machine foot in with the random accessories that were given to me along with the antique machine! Exactly what I need to learn a new technique and make a nightgown for Lucy for her birthday.

2. The kids and I spent an hour outside, enjoying the 69 degree temperatures, sunshine and a nice walk - which was a long one for little legs!

3. The fact that I ran the dishwasher yesterday afternoon, unloaded it before an easy-clean up dinner and won't need to empty it again today. (It's the simple delights folks)

4. The kid's nap time today will be spent in the Word of God, as I prepare for Bible Study this evening. I have no household chores on the agenda today (although my house could stand to be vacuumed AND dusted... tomorrow). What a privilege to study and teach.

5. I am all caught up on the Blog. #MissionUpdateBlog is accomplished. I can now update the world in real-time. :) (I will not promise you that I will never get behind again. The only guarantee I have for you is that it will happen again once Little One #3 make his/her appearance.) ;)

How are you doing today? Are you being a Negative Nancy or a Reliant Ronda? Jesus can help you move forward through the rest of your day with better attitude. He did it for me today, he can do it for you too.

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